Large selection of small Japanese maples on sale
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Special pricing for this event only
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Acer palmatum Green Japanese Maple Aconitifolium Aka Shigitatsu Sawa Atropurpureum Red Maple Beni komachi Beni maiko Beni Maiko Sale Beni Otake Beni Schichihenge Beni Shidare Beni-Hagoromo Bloodgood Burgundy lace leaf Butterfly Coonara Pygmy Crazy lion Crimson Queen Del's Dwarf Dwarf Elegans Emperor Emperor 1 Ever Red Falling Star Fascination Fire Glow Fireball Fireglow First ghost Flavescens Garnet Ghost Dancer Green Cascade Gwen’s Rose Delight Shirazz Gwen’s Rose Delight Shirazz Hana Matoi Hazeroino Higasayama Hobb’s red willow Inaba Shidare Itaya Jerre Schwartz Klaas Korean gem Koto maru Koto No Ito Lions Head Meigetsu Mikawa Yatsubusa Mioun Moonrise Nuresagi Okukuji Nishiki Orangeola Potted Maples Asian pots Orido Nishiki Oshio Beni Peaches and Cream Pixie Purple Ghost Red Dragon Red Japanese Maple Red Pygmy Rhode Island Red Sango Kaku Coral Bark Coral Bark Japanese Maple Seiryu Shaina Shin Deshojo Shindeshojo Shojo nomura Spring Delight Suminagashi Tamukeyama Tennyo no hoshi Tiger rose Tobiosho Trompenburg Ukigumo Viridis Vitifolium Watnong White sock Wou nishiki Yama hime Yubae
Grafting stock with a root plug. Grow out to a beautiful Acer palmatum or graft on a new variety. 20+ inches tall.
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